Saturday, February 26, 2011

Mobile Microgreens

This is fantastic!   Not sure how harvesting and storage would work - but it gets 5-stars for ingenuity!  Those Canadians are awesome.  So who's willing to give it a shot here in Charlotte...go ahead and strap some microgreens to your bike.   I'll be willing to donate the materials.  :)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

ANA Conference Review

What a great event - fantastic group of people!  We met some interesting folks that bring all aspects of running a farm business to light.   It was emphasized once again, how important the local food movement is.  The Dept. of Ag offered new ideas and incentives to get businesses to work with local food providers - I think they're on the right track with this one!    There were also speakers who coordinated a panel to review social media (mundane topic, but I always find myself flocking to see if there's anything new out there).   Most farmers are not on board with this type of activity - not surprising since the average age of a farmer is 60 years old.   Amazingly, social media as a HUGE part of our business at Lucky Leaf Gardens - can't get by without it!    By the way - are you following our facebook page:  Lucky Leaf Gardens... or Twitter: @MicrogreenGirl?      I'll be sharing a few links within the next few days... links to blogs, farms, or NCDA pages that seem interesting / beneficial.   Exciting times here at Lucky Leaf - rolling out a few new programs to get our products into hands across the state.  Stay tuned!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Indoor Gardening, sometimes not ideal...

Call me crazy, but I don't know a restaurant that would prefer "manufactured, sun-free vegetables".  Our philosophy is to incorporate "mother nature" in every way possible.   Sure, we cheat the elements by growing in our sunny, warm greenhouse (which averages 68 degrees, in the winter, without additional heat)... and sure, sometimes we grow crops "out of season", like our fantastic micro cilantro or popcorn shoots in the winter.  But our core beliefs are to grow it in the dirt, in sunlight.  We used artificial lights for 2 days last year.   

So that's why this article is amazing to me.  Apparently - not everyone thinks like we do.  Go ahead chefs, line-up to get your $90,000 lettuce machine.  Or just call Lucky Leaf Gardens to get your charlotte area microgreens and lettuces, grown the right way.  Full of flavor, nutrition, and a glorious shelf life.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Spring CSAs

CharlotteFresh has a great post reminding us that spring CSAs are kicking off soon.   Ask around to find the best CSA for you.  You can find Lucky Leaf's Microgreens in the Know Your Farms CSA (Daivdson) and the Fresh From The Farms CSA (Rock Hill).   If you would like to have access to our brilliant microgreens in another CSA, let your CSA manager know.
Check it out:

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Campus Greenhouse

Not necessarily about microgreens (but it could be), and not necessariliy about Charlotte (but close enough @ Duke University).  Check out this campus garden!

Inspiration for all of the Home-Growers

A great little article about how one person eats fresh, home grown veggies in the winter months.   Nothing better than eating your own produce on a cold February morning!

Friday, February 11, 2011

ANA Conference

Join us at the Agritourism Networking Association's 2011 Annual Conference.  This year's conference is themed "Taking Local Beyond the Farm".   Lucky Leaf Gardens will attend as a member and a panelist - our panel's discussion focuses on marketing your niche farm products, probably the most difficult part of operating an agricultural business.   Other topics include:  Marketing the Local Food Movement, Telling your Farm Story and more.   It's February 17-18 at the Little River Golf  Resort, Carthage/Moore County.   We'll post a synopsis here, for those who can't make it. 

Not only will this event be exciting, but it'll be the first time that we're leaving our fabulous microgreens alone for the night!  Luckily they're being cared for by very capable hands (and luckily, they're nice and cozy in a climate controlled greenhouse).  We'll be back in Charlotte in no time at all!

Click here and scroll to the bottom for the ANA conference agenda.